1. Decide on your target Quant and Verbal scores
You may be wondering why are we asking you to decide on target scores, isn’t it obvious that both these scores will have to be very high? The answer is yes and no both. Yes because you would need to do very well in both sections and no because you would still have the scope to leverage your strength.
This brings me to my next point – how do you leverage your strength and more importantly how would you determine what your strength is? If you are taking the GMAT for the first time you will know your relative strength by taking a Diagnostic Test. A good diagnostic test will tell you your percentile scores in each section. The section in which you have a higher percentile score and you feel more confident about is your relative strength. If you are a re-taker then you do not have to look any further than your ESR/scores in your official test.
Now once you know what your relative strength is you must decide on a target score that leverages it. What I mean by it is, if Verbal is your strength then you must plan a high score in Verbal and then score the minimum required number in Quant and if your strength is Quant then you must plan a high score in Quant and get the minimum required number in Verbal. If you have gone through Anupriya’s success story shared above you will be able to see how she leveraged her strength, Verbal, to get to a 760.
2. Estimate the amount of time you need
Why do you need to estimate the amount of time if it is a 3 months plan? Well because the daily commitment for each person will differ depending upon their starting ability. To go from a 500 something score to 760 will require much higher time than to go from a 650+ score to 760. The amount of time in months would remain the same but your daily commitment will change.
To learn how to estimate the amount of time required to reach 760 from your starting score, refer to Step 2 in our article on Personalised Study Plans. Once you have the estimate of the amount of time needed, plan that many hours in the first 2 months of your preparation.
For example, your estimate is 150 hours then you need to plan these 150 hours in the first two months i.e. at least 75 hours every month. Depending upon your work schedule you can plan these hours on weekdays or weekends. One hour on weekdays and 6 hours on weekends result in 70 hours of study in a month. On the other hand, if the estimate is 200 hours meaning 100 hours a month you would have to spend two hours on weekdays and 7 hours on weekends to complete your studies in two months.
3. Create the Sequence of Study
Once you plan your study hours, you must block them off on your calendar so that you do not plan other activities then and you can keep up with your schedule. Now that you have the required amount of time set aside, you must use it wisely. We recommend starting with the section which is your relative strength. The reason being, it will be easier for you to improve and it will set a good momentum for the rest of your preparation.
For Verbal, you must start with SC. Only when you have reached your target score in SC, you must move to CR and then RC. The reason for this order is that RC requires certain skills that get developed in SC and CR. Preparing these sections would automatically improve your skills in RC to a certain level.
For Quant, you can start with Number Properties and the follow it up with Word Problems, Algebra, Geometry, and Advanced Topics in this order.
4. How to Plan your Preparation for GMAT 760?
GMAT tests your higher-order reasoning skills and not language or math skills. It is therefore essential that you learn the core skills that cement your reasoning process to ace GMAT. You must use a structured approach for REAL Learning (Reliable, Effective, Analytics-Driven, Logical).
You must start with a section and not move on to the next until you have reached your target score in that section. While studying a section, you must ensure that you learn the application process as well along with the concept of only knowing concepts is not enough on the GMAT.
5. Take Mock Tests and Review your GMAT Preparation
Only after you are done studying both the sections, you must take mock tests. That is the reason we have kept it for the last month of preparation. Taking mock tests would be effective only if you review it and make the most of every test that you solve.